Tohono Chul Park: A Tucson area desert park/garden whose gallery carries my artwork. The Art Center at Fuller Lodge: Located in Los Alamos, New Mexico, the art center at this historic lodge showcases the works of regional artists in rotating exhibits and events. You'll find me and my art at their seasonal art fairs. Georgia O'Keeffe: My favorite artist and a great influence on my creative spirit. Georgia O'Keeffe Fan: Links to many O'Keeffe images. The Arts and Healing Network: Artists whose work heals the mind, body, spirit, or planet- and more. Ancient Rock Art Info Sources: Pictures and links to rock art sites. The Collector's Guide to the Art of New Mexico: Just what it says! - A comprehensive and exhaustive guide to the visual arts and artists of the Land of Enchantment. Native Seeds/SEARCH: A Tucson- based organization preserving native American crop seeds. Plants of the Southwest: Drought tolerant native plants and seeds. A company of consciousness out of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Arid Lands Newsletter: Published by the University of Arizona Office of Arid Lands Studies. Arizona Native Plants Resources: Links to information centers, arboretums, herbariums, etc. Home Horticulture Links: Gardening and Landscaping in the Desert. Miles' to Go Cactus and Succulent Webalog: An on- line catalog of arid plants grown by my friend Miles Anderson. The Arizona- Sonora Desert Museum: A great educational place to go for locals and visitors alike. Found Pets Home Page: If you've lost or found a pet in the Tucson area, go here first! The Haynet: An exhaustive directory of horse sites on the Internet. The Dream Tree: A resource center for dreamers. The Amazing Vanteen - Magician: My partner's memoir of 50 years on the road as a magician travelling with circuses and carnivals. She Knows: Online resources and information for women. Womenfolk: In celebration of creative women. The New Mexico Culture Net: A network for and about the arts and artists of New Mexico. |
The Sonoran Desert and Her Plants: Back to the Home Page Turtle Woman Site Archive: Back to the OLD Home Page. Arid Lands and the Plants That Make their Homes There: Care pages on plants; a desert gardener's journal, and some thoughts on desert ecology. |